Here are a few paragraphs from today's Our daily bread, you can read the full piece from the web address on my sidebar of favourite links.
Just to let us know that life isn't all plain sailing and having everything we want. Along with peace and joy, we will experience sorrow and disappointments, but Our loving God will bring us through one day at a time. Trust and obey! that's the key ♥
Some Christians expect that the Lord will be the kind of parent who protects them from all sorrow and disappointment. But that’s not the kind of Father He is. He lovingly allows His children to go through suffering (Isa. 43:2; 1 Thess. 3:3).
When we start with the mistaken belief that it’s an easy life that will make us truly happy, we become weary trying to live out our faulty belief. But when we face the truth that life is difficult, we can invest our lives in the pursuit of a good and godly life instead. That kind of life strengthens us for the times when life is difficult.
God’s goal is to make us holy, not just happy (1 Thess. 3:13). And when we are holy, we are more likely to be truly happy and content.
♥ have a blessed day ♥
♥ Marlou ♥
I was really moved by this post because I only realised a couple of week ago that life was difficult and it was the way it was supposed to be. I was lying in my hospital bed and the chaplain stepped in and kindly told me life was difficult but I would be all right because God loves me. I now feel stronger and somehow better. Thanks for putting this in words.