Wednesday, 18 September 2013

♥ Perfect peace ♥

Today I share with you this beautiful photo from Little birdie blessings {thank you Abby}  and a beautiful scripture ♥ 
I find this verse comforting as I battle with Bipolar and basically my mind just doesn't know rest :(  it affects every area of my life and at the moment it's hard, but with the Lord's help I will get strong again and I also have a very very supportive husband who understands my everyday battle and needs, and is always there for me, I am so thankful that the Lord blessed me with Craig

Monday, 9 September 2013

♥ Puppy ♥

My Mum gave me this Prayer she got in a magazine a few years ago and I just love it

Lord,  help me be the person that
My puppy thinks I am,
She counts on me for every need,
For help in every jam.
She looks at me with trusting eyes,
She's sure that I am kind.
The thought that I might let her down
Would never cross her mind.
So, Lord, if in this smallest task
I do the best I can,
Then help me, please be just as kind
Toward my fellow man.
Let steadfast friendship be my aim
And may I never fail
To put a smile on every face,
A wag in every tail!

Amen ♥

How adorable is this ♥

Thursday, 5 September 2013

♥ Be still and know that I am God ♥

From Little birdie blessings
{Link can be found on sidebar)

I love this scripture and I personally find it comforting
and also why I named this blog, a short verse with a huge meaning
just like some of our prayers, the short ones are sometimes the most
powerful ... often mine have simply said "Lord help me" and He has,
sometimes our tears are prayers to the Lord also, he sees our hearts and
knows our thoughts. 

Blessings ♥